Student Apps

Approved App List

MCS District Approved Ed Tech Tools

MCS Digital Curriculum and Ed Tech App List

District Licensed App List

Digital Curriculum List

Chrome Extensions List

Free / Freemium Ed Tech App List

If app on the list has Portal Icon this is the icon that is listed for it in our MCS Apps Portal

If app on the list has Portal Icon this is the icon that is listed for it in our MCS Apps Portal

You can install these extensions on your device from the Chrome Web Store

If app on the list has Portal Icon this is the icon that is listed for it in our MCS Apps Portal

Don't see an app on this list?

Note for Educators Review Materials

Note for Educators: Please review the MCS AR/BR - Instructional Materials

Appropriateness of Materials: Whenever a district employee proposes to use a supplementary resource which is not included in the approved learning resources of the district, he/she shall preview the material to determine whether, in his/her professional judgment, it is appropriate for the grade level taught and is consistent with district criteria for the selection of supplementary instructional materials. The employee shall confer with their school site administration as necessary to determine the compliance of the material with district criteria. The primary considerations should be the educational value, appropriateness, and relevance of the materials as well as the ages and maturity of the students.

Coding Apps

Student App Tours, How-to Use Tutorials, App Status, and Approved App List

Student Apps TK-6

Student Apps 7-8

Student Apps 9-12